The Pros of Insulated Garage Doors

We work hard to take care of our homes, making sure we do everything we can to keep our personal space as comfortable and well-put-together as possible. But one area that seems to get neglected all too often is the garage, despite the fact that the garage can actually...

When to DIY vs. When to Call In the Pros

Take a look around the web and you are bound to find hundreds of articles, videos, and tutorials on how to fix anything and everything. No doubt the Internet can be a great resource for fixing the small things, but often, these guides miss crucial steps or dumb down...

Snow and Ice Removal 101

Snow and ice removal is an inevitable fact of winter. For many people, the basics such as the driveway and walkways can be easily covered—but even the paths less travelled and other areas of the home need to be taken care of. Last week’s big snow storm has come and...

The Benefits of Triple-Pane Windows

Windows have come a long way in the last few decades. When you take a look at an original window from the ‘50s or ‘60s compared to today’s, you’ll notice quite a few different things. The materials are better and the appearance is often nicer, to name a few benefits....

Updating Your Home In the Winter

When’s the best time to buy a boat? Despite what you might think, it’s not the summer. It’s actually winter, when the snow is rolling in and the weather is getting colder. It’s simple: demand for boats is low in the winter. Who wants to buy a boat they won’t be able...

How to Improve Entry Door Security

The idea of theft can seem like an unimaginable occurrence, but the reality is that in the United States alone, nearly 2,000,000 home burglaries are reported each year. Of course, no one ever wants to believe it can happen to them—but it never hurts to be prepared....