Storm Windows 101

Taking a stroll through a historic neighborhood can be quite a breath-taking experience with all of the wonderful architecture, beautiful landscaping, and timeless design. But there always seems to be the one eyesore that many homeowners dread: the infamous battleship...

Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Fall is well underway, and for most people that means bonfires, pumpkins and falling leaves. There’s no doubt that this is a great time of the year to enjoy with your family. But winter and the holidays will be sneaking up on us in no time, meaning we’ve all got a few...

Installing Garage Door Openers with ODW

Take a look around the web and you’re bound to find a DIY article on just about anything. Yes, with a little bit of drive and the right tools you can tackle most projects, but even a “go-get ‘em” attitude isn’t a guarantee that every project will turn out right....

Garage Door Maintenance 101

For homeowners and business owners alike, the garage is a main hub of traffic. As that’s the case, the wear and tear over the years on your garage door means that eventually, it will need to be replaced. With the proper care and maintenance, however, you can extend...

9 Ways to Improve Energy Efficiency in the Home

One of the best ways to keep your home from being a money pit is to make it as energy efficient as possible. As you may have expected, old or poorly-insulated doors and windows can greatly affect the energy efficiency of your home. When A/C leaks or cold air comes in,...

How (and Why) to Check for Window Rot

Windows are an extremely beautiful part of our homes. Not only do they add to the aesthetic appeal of a house, but they are functional in keeping what’s inside, inside, and keeping what’s outside, outside. If you want your windows to stay as beautiful as the day you...

All About Garage Doors

Designing or redesigning a home can be quite a large task. You have to consider the windows, the entry door, the interior and exterior paint, light fixtures, and what feels like hundreds, if not thousands of other things. One thing that seems to often be overlooked is...